Creative juices...

Rebecca's Turkey Shirt, originally uploaded by byjen.

Its taken a little time to get back into the swing of things after the craziness of getting ready for Sally's crafting party two weeks ago (the party turned out to be a lot of fun but lots of work). Since the party I've been trying to settle in and organize my crafting supplies, as well as my thoughts, so I'm ready for the upcoming holiday season. I absolutely love Christmas time! I love the decorations, the music, eggnog, the crafts, baking, gift giving, family time, White Christmas, etc. (I could go on and on) There's always so much I want to do, but so often I run out of time to do it all. I am considering putting "more time" on my Christmas wishlist this year. I know its not even Thanksgiving yet but its never too soon to start planning for Christmas. In an attempt to be better organized and prepared for the holidays I am taking Aby Garvey's Holiday Organizing Workshop. Through the workshop, I've made a cute little binder with some of my favorite Christmas scrapbook papers (its time to start using rather than just collecting my cute scrapbook papers). I also got to attend the Harvest Festival yesterday with Sally and her mom. Lots of inspiration! So between that and all the creative blogs I'm always finding (thank goodness for Google Reader!) my creative juices are really flowing now. Last night I started two holiday clocks using favorite Christmas papers and I finished them today. Then this morning, I was inspired to try a couple Thanksgiving projects that I discovered through the Crafty Crow. Pictured above is a turkey shirt I made for Rebecca which I love! The idea came from the blog One More Moore. The reverse applique was so easy and so cute! Katherine's shirt is still in the works. I also found these cute little oreo turkey treats to make with Rebecca. We did the shopping today, so hopefully we'll do the assembling and eating tomorrow night. She's really excited about them! I can't wait either!


Happy 2009!

