Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Welcome! My name is Jen. I'm an optometrist by day and crafter by night. I live with my wonderfully supportive husband and two precious little girls, Rebecca (4) and Katherine (1). I absolutely LOVE being creative! If there's a craft out there, I've either tried it or its on my list of things to do. I especially enjoy scrapbooking (although I can't tell you the last time I actually made a layout), papercrafting, knitting, sewing and needle-felting. For years now I've been itching to do something with my creativity, so I recently started up an Etsy shop. Currently I've been inspired to make Word Art with my ever growing stash of craft supplies. I was excited to donate a custom piece to the long list of amazing prizes, but it looks like I joined the party too late. I will be giving one away to a fan of my new facebook page at the end of the month, so come check that out! Not on facebook? Go ahead and leave me a comment here and I'll add you to my drawing!

I joined the blog world in 2005 with Lil' Pumpkin Patch to help share family photos with distant family and towards the end of last year I started this blog to keep my more creative "adventures" documented. I have to admitt I haven't been the best at blogging up til' now but I hope to change that. I absolutely love all the creative inspiration I find on the internet and blogs (I adore my google reader). Its just amazing everything that is being shared. I can't wait to get out there and start meeting some fellow bloggers!


Fun & exciting times!!


Art Journal