A whirlwind of a weekend

Camp site, originally uploaded by byjen.
This past weekend was quite the whirlwind.

1. Daniel and I had a date night and went to my friend Kenna's nature photography exhibit. Kenna and I met at my very first craft show and have been cheering each other on ever since. I am very excited and inspired by her successes!
2. My mom and I tackled the growing mess in my bedroom. I have been aching for a peaceful escape and my bedroom has not been fitting the need. I wouldn't win the messiest house award, but I am a bit of a collector/hoarder. It's amazing what we got accomplished in a few short hours.
3. I took both girls to Costco by myself and got through a fairly long list. I gave them a little scavenger hunt to work on from the shopping basket while I shopped. Rebecca did the reading and Katherine held the stickers to mark what they found. It was a great success!
4. We set up a camp site in our living room, complete with campfire and fish-filled lake. The girls are loving it.

The past couple days I haven't spent much time working on the computer or "officially" creating (that campsite and scavenger hunt was pretty creative for me though). I hope this week I can find some time to get caught up on my new blog friends and flying lessons. And I am hoping to finish an art piece for my dad. It was supposed to be a housewarming gift in February, and then a birthday present in April, so now I hope to get it done by Father's Day. I will share picture when it's complete!

Am I finished?


Time flies.....