Guilty pleasures

Last night I got a little bit burnt out on princess party prep (yesterday was house cleaning stage, not my favorite), so I decided to take the night off and watch a little bit of TV after the girls went to bed. Earlier in the week I had already managed to watch my usual summer stuff, the Next Food Network Star and HGTV Design Star, so I had to hunt for something to watch. Well I ended up watching the first half of the Hannah Montana Movie. Now I am not a Miley Cyrus fan or a Hannah Montana fan. I mean have never watched an episode of Hannah Montana. But I seem to be a sucker for tween/teen movies. I love the Princess Diaries (especially the second one) and I even enjoy the High School Musicals, but normally I would never admit this. I think I'm drawn to the innocence of these movies. And the music. I do love musicals. I guess these movies are the closest we get to musicals nowadays, other than Moulin Rouge (which I loved as well). Nonetheless, I would classify these movies as guilty pleasures. So here's to embracing our guilty pleasures, kind of....

As for this post's image, I am proud to say I love Sound of Music. It is by no means a guilty pleasure in my book. I just couldn't bring myself to use a photo from any of the other movies mentioned when writing this post.  I guess I'm not ready to fully embrace my guilty pleasures with a Hannah Montana or High Musical image.

The princess party was a success


Finding the right words