Giving Thanks!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Not only am I celebrating Thanksgiving with my family, but I am also celebrating 100 blog posts here at By Jen with you!
I noticed that I was getting closer to 100 posts a few weeks ago, so I thought I should do something fun to celebrate. After much thought, I decided it would be fun to put together a list of 100 things that inspire me and make me happy as I travel along my creative path. Seems like a good idea, right? Well not only is my 100th post later than I first calculated, I also procrastinated in putting together my list. So here I am, Thanksgiving Eve and I have a list of 18 and I need to get some sleep. I had better start planning my celebration for 200 (as if a procrastinator at heart can really plan ahead). Well anyways....Enjoy, feel free to chime in, and make sure to peek at the bottom because I've shared a little something extra for you.
1. The support I get from my family, especially my husband and two little girls.
2. My craft room/art studio when it's clean and fairly organized (next time that happens, I'll get you a picture)
3. Martha Stewart, especially her crafts and baking
4. All things Christmas, especially Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" (the song and movie), homemade gifts, baking, and twinkle lights
5. Donna Downey and her "Yes, It's a Scrapbook" series (this is when I started to stray from scrapbooking)
6. Kelly Rae Roberts, especially her online class this past summer. Amazing info and amazing community (check out my blog list for many fellow flyers, like Words of Me Project and Peculiar Momma)!
7. Creating gifts for loved ones (especially when I can make something meaningful and personal)
8. Looking through crafting magazines, especially holiday issues, Scrapbooks Etc. and Family Fun.
9. Baking just about anything (with the exception of pies).
10. Discovering new creative blogs
11. Learning a new craft, like the wire art from Jen Swift's new book, Creative Bloom.
12. Taking classes with friends, like Donna Downey's class and the Juicy Houses class
13. My lunches with fellow flyer, Baxter's Mom (lots of supportive and creative talk)
14. Dave Matthews Band
15. The chance to be crafty and try new things with friends like Paula and Tina on a monthly basis (I highly recommend the monthly date to be creative with friends, even if it's just one friend)
16. Glee (I can't help but smile the whole time I watch)
17. Walt Disney and his masterpiece, Disneyland (you know my husband proposed at Disneyland)
18. The excitement I get when I look around a craft store like JoAnn's or Michael's (especially when I have a 40% off coupon and a gift card to spend).
As a thank you to those of you out there following along with me and my little blog I thought I'd share a little bit of that 40% off coupon excitement by offering a 40% discount of my very own at my etsy shop (which I must say has some really cute Christmas pieces right now). Just use the coupon code: GIVINGTHANKS
Happy 100!