Positively Windsday!

The beautiful tulips I see on my way to work
It is quite the rainy, blustery day today. But it is Spring nonetheless and it's been wonderful to see all the flowers and trees in bloom. I've been doing my best to focus on the brighter side of things in my quest for more happiness and I've been doing a good job for the most part. It can be tough sometimes, especially when I get tired, but nobody's perfect, right?

This week I wanted to share a couple of happy things. First, you should check out Happiness Week over at the Whole Self. I'm still checking it out myself and I must say it's filled with lots of inspiring stories, information, and websites. And be sure to check out the the brand new Feel Good Deal website. It's such a great idea and resource. So have fun, be happy, and enjoy your Wednesday!

Friday Favorites


My new love