Lucky in Love

Lucky in Love by Kenna Elizabeth
Life has been a bit of a roller coaster this week, which I'm not quite ready to get into here. So it seemed fitting to look at roller coaster images when it came to this week's Inspiration Workshop theme--Green. I searched and searched, but never found an image that I liked. Although I did run into the odd concept of "green" pedal-powered roller coasters--both interesting and frightening (take a look here and here).

So I changed gears with the green theme and decided to share a favorite photo of mine, Lucky in Love, by my friend Kenna. This photo has made it onto my blog before, but it seemed too perfect not to share it again today. 

From time to time I may run into troubles that stress me out, but at least I always have the love of my husband and my daughters, and my family and friends.

I am truly lucky in love.

Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!

Sewing adventures with cute little girls


Visiting Teahouse Studio