Inspired to come home

I've been absent from the blogging world for a while now. Life has been busy as usual, as I balance work and family and running, etc.. So rather than stress about packing more stuff in and blogging about it, I took a break. I stopped fretting over which way to go in my life (and with my blog) and just enjoyed living my life. I've been trusting myself and the path that I'm on. And an amazing journey it has been. And now I feel refreshed and inspired to write and share.

First thing to share is that I'm retuning to my home on the web at By Jen. Earlier this year I moved myself to Simple Reminders because I felt it was a better fit for me, my artwork, and my message. But as much as I still love and believe in the message, I feel my journey has brought me back to me. And nothing is more "me" than By Jen. So it is here at By Jen that I hope to share stories about life, my family, and my new found love of running, as well as my artwork and creative adventures. Basically all the things that inspire me and make me ME!


Don't think, just do it!


By Jen is Moving!