Finding balance

This past birthday in March, I took a leap of faith and signed up to run my second marathon (CIM in December). And I have struggled to come to terms with my decision ever since. The further I got from my first marathon last December, the harder it has been for me to wrap my mind around the idea of doing it again. This was not helped as I took a break from running to let last year's injuries heal. The further I got out of the running habit, the harder it has been to get it back. It's been a challenging year. Nothing really bad has happened, but I've felt a bit out of sorts and even lost at times. A drastic change from the focus and drive I felt last year.

But now, despite a continued struggle over whether or not to run this year's CIM, I have come to the point on the calendar when I needed to start a marathon training plan. Training for a marathon isn't something to procrastinate about. In order to keep my options open, I decided to begin a training plan. Two weeks ago I started following the Hansons Marathon Method and have now run 9 times for a total of 30+ miles. It seems like a lot of running after being so sporadic with my runs throughout the year, but most runs have been at a much slower speed than my usual speed and it seems to be working. I chose this plan because it is a lot of running.

And it's amazing the change in my outlook. I feel like my runs have a purpose. That I have a purpose. I know its early, but so far I haven't dared to miss a run. I feel full of life and inspiration. And I feel a sense of peace and calm. Lots is happening with back to school, but I don't feel it as pressure. I feel like the new school year is a new beginning. I'm feeling more creative (I'm loving the Project Life) and I'm feeling more energized to do projects I've been neglecting, like organizing the girls' school work and purging unnecessary clutter, etc. I am feeling much more balanced and much less lost.

I imagine that it's no coincidence that I felt lost and unbalanced when I ran less. Running keeps me fit and energized. Running allows me the chance to be alone with my thoughts. I can also enjoy my music uninterrupted. It gives me time outside with the beauty of nature. I find inspiration seeing other runners and walkers out in the neighborhood. I could probably keep going, but the bottom line is that running really does keep me balanced. This year has been a wonderful illustration of that.


Merry moments


The Project of Life