Moving forward

A couple weeks ago, my friend Kelly invited me to participate in an ongoing blog tour and I accepted her invitation thinking it would be good for me. I thought it might help get me going again with my blog and photo project. But life has been busy, so I'm not as caught up or prepared as I was hoping. But I'm trying. So here goes. The tour comes with several questions:

What am I working on?
This is where I should be sharing my creative projects, like my 40 in 40 photo project, but if I'm truly being honest, what I'm really working on right now is taking life one day at a time. My dad recently passed away and needless to say, it's been hard. Each day comes with new challenges. The first couple weeks, I took time off, I cried, I talked, I reflected, I grieved, etc.. I slowed down and paused. But then somehow life started rushing by again and it's been difficult. The world is carrying on around me at a fast and busy pace, yet I'm still standing still, struggling to adjust to life with a broken heart. Joining this blog tour is just one of the ways I'm trying to encourage myself forward.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?
My art, my writing, and my photographs all differ from others simply because they come from me. We are all unique and our creative productions reflect that. We all have different life experiences to share in our art and our writing. It seems simple enough, but it hasn't always been that simple to see.

Why do I write/create what I do?
I create because I enjoy making things. I value beauty, inspiration, and happiness, and being creative allows me to honor that. I may not always find/take the time to create in my craft room, but each day I find ways to be creative. Even if it's the simple but powerful act of creating a home for my family (i.e. cooking meals, doing laundry, helping with homework, making memories, etc..)

How does your writing/creative process work?
Inspiration is a huge part of my creative process. Not only is it the start of many projects, but often it's the subject of much of my art. I like celebrating the positive in life with much of what I make and write. I like having space in my schedule to create, but with a family and work, space is hard to come by. So I must sneak in moments to create or write. And sometimes that's hard to do. I find myself waiting for space in my schedule but when it's important, I need to make the space.

There you have it. Another step forward in my journey. Thanks so much for stopping by. Hopefully there will be more to see as I continue to move forward.

And next Monday, June 16th, this ongoing blog tour continues with my friend, Sylvia Drown"...I’m a recently retired Database Techie who was really an Artist underneath it all!  I have been scrapbooking for 13 years with a little painting, sewing, quilting, decorating, etc always thrown in.  For the last few years, I’ve been playing more and more with paints, paper and glittery stuff.  I’ve recently started selling at Craft Fairs and opened a new Etsy Shop…still experimenting and searching for my niche.  I have a special interest in Journalling and Documenting Life…lets see where that will take me?..."

Magic * 40 in 40 * Week Eleven


Friends * 40 in 40 * Week Ten