52 Weeks from the Heart: Action

This week I chose the word "Action" as my theme. Action seems to be big on everyone's mind this time of year as we all continue to tackle our New Year's resolutions. In fact, my beloved Weight Watchers leader, Teresa, chose "Action" as her word this year. Using both the word itself and Teresa as inspiration I decided to create an "Action" word art this week. I know I already started the 52 weeks challenge with my "Open" word art, but it was more collage than typical By Jen word art. Not only that, but I've silently been trying to pick projects that utilize paper as a material for the month of January. So I went to work creating new word art.

When laying out my words, I typically place the frames horizontally, but since I was drawing inspiration from Teresa I decided to use a magic wand, which was rather tall, for the "I." Teresa has been known to wave her magic wand from time to time when helping us through our weight loss journeys. But then at the same time, in my craft space I have a Glinda the Good Witch magnet that reminded me that the magic truly comes from within. We ourselves have the power to take action and make changes. So I was sure to add her wisdom, "You've always had the power."

Action is key to making changes. It's what makes change possible. You have to do something to make things different. It's a big deal. But that doesn't mean that action must be big to be effective. In fact, baby steps are often easier to take which makes them more likely to be repeated. The small steps can really add up to mean big things and big changes. And it all starts with doing something.

You are what you do, not what you say you'll do. ~C.G. Jung

The future depends on what you do today. ~M. Gandhi

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. ~Aristotle

Take action!


52 Weeks from the Heart: Create


52 Weeks from the Heart: Inspiration