52 Weeks from the Heart: Create

My Create Word Art (from the Blue Line 30x30 exhibit) & a favorite Create pin/quote by Sandra Magsamen
Creating brings me such joy, whether it's baking a cake, cooking a meal, taking a photo, writing a blog post, or painting a canvas. ~from my article in the Summer 2011 Create With Me magazine.

I chose to focus on the theme of "Create" this week because it is a powerful concept. As I mentioned in the opening quote of this post, creativity can be expressed in many ways. When preparing meals or special baked treats for loved ones. When putting pen to paper to write a blog post or a journal entry or a thank you card. When capturing both proud and everyday moments with a camera, etc.. But often "create" or "creative" is only linked to artistic expression. But really "create" means so much more.

We create our lives with our choices. We can create our mood with the thoughts we choose to dwell on (easier said than done, but still true). We can actively create the life we want for ourselves with the choices we make. For instance, I would like to regain better health so I need to make the choices that help me create that future. I can create a healthy environment with the foods I bring into my home. I can create the time to meal plan and exercise by choosing how I use my time. Etc.. We create our lives.

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. ~George Bernard Shaw

The best way to predict the future is to create it. ~Peter Drucker

Creativity Kit By Jen
My project this week does celebrate the more traditional artistic expression definition of "create." It is a Creativity Kit that I first made several years ago after attending an art journaling class. Art journaling can be a very therapeutic and freeing form of expression. An art journal is like a diary that allows you the chance to explore your feelings by writing as well as by doodling and painting, etc.  It's a safe place, for your eyes only, that you can play and get messy.

But it can sometimes be overwhelming to face a blank page. It can be a struggle to figure out where to start. And so my Creativity Kit was born. The kit includes a jar filled with themes like art, family, and inspiration; three over-sized dice with numerous techniques, media, and shapes to create with; and a handcrafted color wheel spinner to pick a color. It's a fun way to move past a creativity block. Now I just need to make more of an effort to "create" the time to use it on a regular basis.

Getting healthy, one bite at a time


52 Weeks from the Heart: Action